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19/02/2022 @ 10:30 - 12:30

We are excited to announce this weekend’s Café-Rencontre, where Beef TAKE is inviting the farmer Sébastien in Brussels, @ Be-Here to distribute meat packages directly to consumers.
Beef TAKE proposes 1 meat package from Sebastian’s Aubrac livestock (4 Kg) to pick up directly from the hands of Sébastien.

You will have a great opportunity to get High-Quality food (Aubrac beef, slowly raised and fed on his own farm in Arlon), He also fed his livestock with barley, which brings – in a slowly process – a white marbled meat and a very fine taste.
Let’s enjoy a Café-Rencontre to also share best recipes & learn about farming and quality meat.


10:30 - 12:30

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