Non-conformistic comfort food is what we call what we do. We are not a restaurant so due speak, but we love preparing dishes based on our ferments. Through the years we created lots of different meals that are inspired by the people we meet, the books we read and the products that are in season.
We aren’t eather a vegetarian place, we could say 90% of what we make is plant based. We love to reuse leftover ferments or things that turned a bit different to give them still a place in our dishes. Nothing goes to waste. From 2020 onward we started to work with a CSA (community sustained agriculture) and are trying even more to work with whats is growing there.
Fermentation is a toolbox for your cooking, and that is how you should embrace it.
Magic Brunch: Once a month on saturday (reservation through Eatmosphere)
Lazy Sunday Brunch: Sunday 11h – 15h (reservation required)
Apéro Dinatoires | Catering gigs | Festival Food: On demand
Pictures from our: BAPAS night, spoonfood, production day, brunch, experimental lab & home made products