All about Garlic: Cheong, Black, Blue and Smoked!

Be-Here Rue Diedonné Lefevre 4, 1020 Laeken, Bruxelles, Belgium

We explore the fascinating world of garlic preservation techniques in our upcoming course scheduled for the 26th of April. Prepare…


(RE)OPENING – Nuu Miso takes over the space

Be-Here Rue Diedonné Lefevre 4, 1020 Laeken, Bruxelles, Belgium

Nuu Miso takes over the space and will create a Wonderfull miso focussed experience. From workshops in the afternoon to…

€20.00 à €35.00

Field Workshop – Field Kimchi [10/06]

Courjette Schapenweg, Jette, Bruxelles, Belgium

Welcome to CourJette's Summer Field Workshops! We are thrilled to unveil the exciting lineup for our upcoming summer field workshops…

Obtenir Billets €14.00 à €28.00 31 billets restants